Overall Findings

When WPA replaced the older WEP technology, which used easy-to-crack radio waves, it improved WEP security by scrambling the encryption key and verifying that it wasn’t altered during data transfer. WPA2 further improves the security of a network with its use of stronger encryption called AES. Although WPA is more secure than WEP, WPA2 is more secure than WPA and the right choice for router owners. WPA2 is designed to improve the security of Wi-Fi connections by requiring the use of stronger wireless encryption than WPA requires. Specifically, WPA2 doesn’t allow the use of an algorithm called Temporal Key Integrity Protocol (TKIP), which is known to have security holes and limitations.

Pros and Cons: When You Have to Choose

Many older wireless routers for home networks support both WPA and WPA2 technology, and administrators must choose which one to run. WPA2 is a simpler, safer choice. Using WPA2 requires Wi-Fi hardware to work harder while running the more advanced encryption algorithms, which can theoretically slow down the network’s overall performance more than running WPA. Since its introduction, though, WPA2 technology has proven its value and continues to be recommended for use on wireless home networks. The performance impact of WPA2 is negligible.

Basic Security: Password Length

Another difference between WPA and WPA2 is the length of the password. WPA2 requires you to enter a longer password than WPA requires. The shared password must be entered one time on the devices that access the router, but it provides an additional layer of protection from people who would crack your network if they could.

Usage: Business Considerations

WPA2 comes in two versions: WPA2-Personal and WPA2-Enterprise. The difference is in the shared password that is used in WPA2-Personal. Corporate Wi-Fi should not use WPA or WPA2-Personal. The Enterprise version eliminates the shared password and instead assigns unique credentials to each employee and device. This limits the damage that individuals with network access could otherwise do.

Final Verdict: WPA2 is the Safest Choice

Because of its increased security features, including Enterprise options, lengthier password requirements, and an added layer of protection, WPA2 is the safest option. However, if you have older firmware or a slow connection, WPA does offer some security.