In North America, the barcode system you’ll use is a 12-digit code called a Universal Product Code (UPC). In Europe, the barcode system is called a European Article Number (EAN) and is 13 digits long. Regardless of your location, you’ll need a barcode if you want to sell music on physical media, online, or both.
Do I Need ISRC Codes?
When you purchase a UPC (or EAN) barcode for your music, ISRC codes are also usually required for every track you intend to sell. The International Standard Recording Codes system is used to identify the individual components that make up your product. So, if your album contains 10 tracks, you’ll need 10 ISRC codes. These codes track sales, so you can be paid accordingly. Companies like Nielsen SoundScan use UPC and ISRC barcodes to aggregate sales data into meaningful music statistics and charts.
What Are the Best Ways to Get Barcodes in Order to Sell Music Online?
If you are an artist and want to sell your music on a digital music service, a number of options are at your disposal.
Use a Self-Publishing Digital Distributor
CD Baby TuneCore ReverbNation MondoTunes
When choosing a digital distributor, check their pricing structure, what digital stores they distribute to, and the royalty percentage they take.
Buy Your Own UPC / ISRC Codes
If you want to distribute your music as an independent artist without using a digital distributor, use a service that sells UPC and ISRC codes. Here are some well-known services:
Indie Artist Alliance Nationwide Barcodes Simply Barcodes US ISRC
If you are a company and want to generate thousands of UPC barcodes, obtain a manufacturer number from the GS1 US (formally, the Uniform Code Council). After you have done that, a product number must be assigned to each SKU. One thing to keep in mind is that for each of your products, you need a unique UPC barcode. The fee for initially registering with the GS1 US organization can be steep. There’s also an annual fee to consider, but you’ll be able to release multiple products with unique UPC barcodes.