The intention behind TikTok Now is to give you and your friends a little nudge to share more of your “authentic moments” on the platform. TikTok hopes to blend the more typical video production and sharing experience with something a bit more personal and possibly less planned. In essence, TikTok Now is a combination of reminders and dual-camera snapshots. Once per day, the app will ask you to either take a snapshot or record a 10-second video right then and there—to capture whatever that specific moment might be. Then you can take a photo of what you’re doing or what’s happening around you or record something brief using the front and back cameras simultaneously. Many of TikTok’s safety and privacy policies will also apply to TikTok Now. You decide who can view and engage with your TikTok Now posts, with an option to limit them to friends only if that’s your preference. Or you can open them up to “everyone in your area.” TikTok Now will roll out to users worldwide “in the coming weeks,” with those in the US able to access the new feature directly through the regular TikTok app. Users in unspecified non-US regions, however, may need to download TikTok Now as a separate app.