Outlook.com Email Limits

The size limit when sending emails with Outlook.com is calculated not only by the size of the file attachments but also by the size of the message, like the body text and any other content. Email size limits for Outlook.com are in place to reduce the potential of spam. The total size limit when sending an email from Outlook.com depends on whether you attach a file stored on your computer or a file stored on OneDrive. If the file is stored on your computer, the attachment size limit is 34 MB; for a OneDrive file, the attachment size limit is 2 GB. In addition to the message size, Outlook.com limits the number of emails you can send per day to 300 and the number of recipients per message to 100.

How to Send Bigger Files Over Email

When you send large files and photos with Outlook.com that exceed the available size limit, you’ll be prompted to first upload the files to OneDrive. This makes it easier for Outlook to send the file and ensures that the recipient is not restricted by their email service’s size limits. This takes the burden off of your account and also theirs if their provider doesn’t accept large files. Another option to send large files is to first upload the files to a cloud storage service like Dropbox, Google Drive, or OneDrive. Then, when it’s time to attach the files to the email, choose Cloud locations instead of Computer to send files that are uploaded online. Sharing files via OneDrive enables you to send larger files and collaborate with others in real time on those files. The attachment size limit for OneDrive files is 2GB. If you want to send something even bigger, either email the files in small chunks, make a compressed ZIP file of the attachments, store the files online and share download links to them, or employ another file sending service.