First spotted on Reddit, it looks like you can now get Apple music on your Xbox console—something that’s been available for PlayStation consoles for some time already. But it’s finally Xbox owners’ turn to get in on the tunes and music videos. The app description touts much of what you’d expect if you’re already familiar with Apple Music, meaning features like ad-free music and video streaming, custom playlists, on-demand stations, and curated track lists. But along with all of that, Xbox gamers can get excited about the ability to listen to their music while playing games at the same time. There do seem to be a couple of drawbacks at the moment. Reddit users have noticed a lack of both Dolby Atmos and Lossless Audio support. This is somewhat corroborated by the app listing, which makes no mention of either feature despite both of them being available through other devices. For the moment, it’s unclear if this is a limitation of the hardware or the app or whether or not Apple (or Microsoft) will add either (or both) in the future. You can download the Apple Music app for your Xbox One or Xbox Series X|S for free today, and if you aren’t already subscribed to Apple Music, you’ll get the first month for free as well. After that, maintaining your subscription will cost $9.99 per month.