How To Format Text in WhatsApp

Most messaging apps just let you send plain text, nothing fancy. WhatsApp is an exception in that you can format the text before you send it. It supports bold, italic, strikethrough, and monospace. There are two ways: use your phone’s built-in functionality to select Bold, Strikethrough, etc., or type special characters around the text you want to be formatted.

Visual Editor

Formatting Shortcut

The manual method is a little faster if you’re a quick typer or if you need to apply the format to a large set of text. But, you’ll have to memorize the formatting rules. On iOS and iPadOS, choose BIU and then Bold, Italic, Strikethrough, or Monospace. The way it works is by typing a special character or set of characters before and after the word(s) you want to format. For example, you can strikethrough WhatsApp text by surrounding it with a tilde, such as ~words~ or ~something like this~. Here’s the whole list: Here are some examples:

italic and bold~bold and strikethrough~~strikethrough and italic~