What Are Alexa Hunches?

Alexa Hunches track your daily habits and allow Alexa to perform practical tasks with your permission. For example, Hunches will enable Alexa to shut off your living room lights after you’ve gone to bed at night if you forget. If Hunches ever suggests something you don’t want, you have the option to either confirm or deny the suggestion with a voice command. You can also set Alexa to automatically perform actions based on Hunches if you don’t want to confirm every suggestion manually or disable Hunches altogether if you aren’t interested in the feature.

How Do Alexa Hunches Work?

Alexa Hunches work by tracking your daily usage of smart home devices like smart lights, thermostats, and robot vacuums. Over time it learns when you activate and deactivate various devices, which allows it to make helpful suggestions if it has a hunch you’ve forgotten to do something it believes is part of your typical routine. Here’s an example of Alexa Hunches in action:

How Do You Set Hunches on Alexa?

The Hunches feature is on by default, but you can manually set the Hunches you want and disable ones you don’t want. The number of available Hunches will depend on how many smart devices you have in your house and the amount of time Alexa has had to learn your routines. Here’s how to set Hunches on Alexa:

How to Prevent Notifications From Alexa Hunches

When you enable Alexa Hunches, the default setting is for Alexa to ask you or send a push notification before it acts on any new hunch. If you would rather not receive these requests or push notifications, you can disable them. Here’s how to prevent Alexa Hunches from sending notifications:

How Do You Stop Hunches on Alexa?

If you don’t want to use hunches anymore, you can disable the feature at any time by saying, “Alexa, disable hunches.” You can also disable individual automatic actions if you don’t want Alexa to perform some of them, but you want it to continue doing others. For example, you might want Alexa Hunches to turn off your lights when you leave the house but not activate your robotic vacuum. Here’s how to stop individual hunches on Alexa: