Why Isn’t Find Contacts Working?

If Find Contacts isn’t working on Instagram, this can be for many different reasons. Each issue can require a different solution to fix it.  Before reaching this stage, it’s useful to narrow things down to the specific problem you’re dealing with. 

Your Instagram permissions are incorrectly set. To see your contacts, Instagram needs to be given permission to do so. Without that, it can’t access the facility. The app is out of date. All smartphone apps need updating regularly and using an older install can cause issues.You’re looking for someone that isn’t there. Through various means, the person you’re seeking out may be on Instagram but not in a way that is viewable via Find Contacts.You’re blocked by the other user. If someone has blocked you on Instagram, even having their contact details on your phone won’t allow you to view their profile.You’re offline. You need to be online to access any of Instagram’s functionality.

How to Fix Instagram Find Contacts

If your Instagram’s Find Contacts isn’t working, try these troubleshooting tips to get it back up and running.