Just before the Windows XP splash screen shown above appears, press F8 to enter the Windows Advanced Options Menu. Here you’re presented with three variations of Windows XP Safe Mode you may enter:

Safe Mode: This is the default option and is usually the best choice. This mode will load only the absolute minimum processes necessary to start Windows XP.Safe Mode with Networking: This option loads the same processes as Safe Mode but also includes those that allow the networking functions in Windows XP to work. This is valuable if you may need to access the internet or your local network while troubleshooting in Safe Mode.Safe Mode with Command Prompt: This flavor of Safe Mode also loads a minimum set of processes but will allow access to the Command Prompt. This is a valuable option if more advanced troubleshooting is necessary.

Using the arrow keys on your keyboard, highlight the Safe Mode with Command Prompt option and press Enter. Using your arrow keys, highlight the correct operating system and press Enter. On the PC displayed in the screenshot above, both my personal account, Tim, and the built-in administrator account, Administrator, have administrator privileges, so either one could be used to enter Safe Mode with Command Prompt. If you’re not sure if any of your personal accounts have administrator privileges, choose the Administrator account by selecting it. Make any changes you need to make by entering commands into the Command Prompt, and then restart the computer. Assuming there are no remaining issues preventing it, the computer should boot to Windows XP normally after a restart.