How to Configure Update Settings in Mozilla Firefox

Firefox has its integrated update mechanism, and its settings can be configured to your liking. Update configuration can be achieved in a few easy steps, and this tutorial will teach you how it is done.

Two Options

The second, and main, section in the Update section, labeled Firefox updates, contains two options each accompanied by a radio button. They are as follows.

Automatically install updates: Enabled by default, this setting ensures that Firefox remains up-to-date without any manual intervention required. If any of your existing add-ons will be disabled by a browser update, you will be warned beforehand. If you would like to disable said warnings, remove the checkmark next to Warn me if this will disable any of my add-ons by clicking on it once.Check for updates, but let me choose whether to install them: When enabled, Firefox will always check to see if a browser update is available. However, it will not install these updates unless you specifically allow it.

Located directly above these options is a button labeled Show Update History. Clicking this button will display detailed information on all the major updates that have been applied to your browser in the past. There’s another option there to manually Check for updates.

Background Service

On Windows, the final section on this screen, labeled Use a background service to install updates, allows the browser to start up a new service in the background to handle automatic updates. This makes it so that you don’t need to manually approve the update each time one’s installed. To enable the background service, simply place a checkmark next to it by selecting the box once. To configure the opposite behavior, remove the accompanying checkmark.