Disable Startup Programs to Speed Up Windows

The more applications enabled in your startup, the longer the boot up process can be. However, you can select which applications are part of the startup process to speed things up:

Optimize Windows 10: Turn Off Windows Tips

Windows 10 has a built-in function that runs in the background and will prompt you with tips and suggestions to make sure you use the tools available. By disabling these Windows tips, you’ll free up resources for other tasks:

Speed Up Your PC With a Disk Cleanup

Running the Disk Cleanup utility will not only free up space on your hard drive; it also speeds things up since you gain back more resources for Windows 10 to use:

Get Faster Access to Data: Defragment Your Drive

Like most other versions of Windows, Windows 10 has a built-in disk defragmenter. Using this utility to defrag your Windows device will allow faster access to your data, since it won’t be fragmented all over the disk:

When All Else Fails, Restart Your Computer

A computer restart will sometimes improve the speed performance of your Windows 10 device. Whenever Windows 10 restarts, some of the temp files are removed, and the size of the page file is reduced, giving the OS more resources to work with.